Selected ADVODID publications:
- Otjes, S. and Rasmussen, A. (forthcoming) ‘Sources of Elected Representatives’ (Mis)Perceptions of Public Opinion: The Role of Self-Projection and Interest Groups’, accepted by the Journal of Politics.
- Rasmussen, A. and Reher S. (2024) ‘Public opinion towards Interest groups: The differential impact of ties to cause and business groups’, European Journal of Political Research.
- Egerod, Benjamin, Rasmussen, A. and Ploeg, J. van der (2024) ‘Revolving Door Benefits? The Consequences of the Revolving Door for Political Access’, Interest Groups and Advocacy.
- Rasmussen, A. and Otjes, S. (2024) ‘Responding to Whom? An Experimental Study of the Dynamics of Responsiveness to Interest Groups and the Public’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Junk, W and Rasmussen, A (2023) ‘Are Citizens Responsive to Interest Groups? A Field Experiment on Lobbying and Intended Citizen Behavior’, West European Politics (Winner of the 2024 Gordon Smith & Vincent Wright Memorial Prize).
- Eady, G and Rasmussen, A (2022) ‘The Unequal Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Political Interest Representation’, Political Behavior.
List of conference papers:
Selected publications by ADVODID project team members:
- Barton, T. ‘Understanding the Impact of the 2018 Voter ID Pilots on Turnout at the London Local Elections: A Synthetic Difference-in-Difference Approach’ (forthcoming) Political Science and Research Methods.
- Eady, G. and Rasmussen, A. (2024) ‘Gendered Perceptions and the Costs of Political Toxicity: Experimental Evidence from Politicians and Citizens in Four Democracies’ American Political Science Review.
- Lucas, J., Scheffer, L., Loewen, P., Walgrave, S., Soontjens, K., Amsalem, E, Bundi, P., Varone, F., Bailer, S, Brack, N., Breunig, C. Coufalová, L., Dumont, P., Pereira, M., Persson, M., Pilet, J-B., Rasmussen, A. and, Sterba, M-B. (2024) ‘Politicians’ Theories of Voting Behaviour’, American Political Science Review.
- Hansen, V. W., & Rødland, L. (2024). ‘Explaining interest group position-taking across partisan policy dimensions’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Rødland, L. (2024). ‘Some policies matter more: Party salience and interest group access to political parties in Western democracies’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Rasmussen, A and Reher, S (2023) ‘(Inequality in) Interest Group Involvement and the Legitimacy of Policy-Making’, British Journal of Political Science.
- Barton, T. (2022) ‘Understanding a Key Electoral Tool: A New Dataset on the Global Distribution of Voter Identification Laws’, Journal of Representative Democracy.
- Allern, E., Hansen, V. W., Rødland, L., Røed, M., Gall, C. L., Klüver, H, Marshall, D., Otjes, S, Pogunkte, T., Rasmussen, A, Saurugger, S., Webb, P. and Witko, C. (2022) ‘Introducing the Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies (PAIRDEM) Datasets‘, Party Politics.
- Rasmussen, A. and Willems, E. (2021) ‘Interest Groups, Public Opinion and Political Representation’, Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups.
- Rasmussen, A., Buhmann-Holmes, N and Egerod, B (2021) ‘The Executive Revolving Door: New dataset on the Career Moves of former Danish Ministers and Permanent Secretaries’, Scandinavian Political Studies.
- Allern, E., Klüver, H., Marshall, D., Otjes, S., Rasmussen, A. and Witko, C. (2021) ‘Policy Positions, Power and Interest Group-Party Lobby Routines’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Rasmussen, A., Binderkrantz, A.S. and Klüver, H. (2021) ‘Organized Interests in the Media and Policy Congruence: The Contingent Impact of the Status Quo’, European Journal of Political Research.
- De Bruycker, I. and Rasmussen, A. (2021) ‘Blessing or Curse for Congruence? How interest groups affect congruence between citizens and elected representatives’, Journal of Common Market Studies.
- Allern, E., Hansen, V.W., Otjes, S., Rasmussen A., Roed, M., and Bale, T. (2021) ‘All about the Money? A Cross-national Study of Individual Parties’ Relations with Trade Unions in Twelve Western Democracies’, Party Politics 27(3).
- Barbakadze, I., Skhirtladze, S., Abramishvili, Z., and Papava, G. (2020) ‘Impact Assessment of the State Support Program for Micro and Small Enterprises in Georgia’, Economics Bulletin, 40(2), 1075-1082.
- Junk, W., Romeijn, J. and Rasmussen, A., (2020) ‘Is this a men’s world? On the need to study descriptive representation of women in lobbying and policy advocacy’, Journal of European Public Policy.
- Allern, E., Hansen, V.W., Marshall, D., Rasmussen A. and Webb, P. (2020) ‘Competition and Interaction: Party Ties to Interest Groups in a Multidimensional Policy Space’, European Journal of Political Research.
- Toshkov, D., Mäder, L. and Rasmussen, A. (2020) ‘Party Government and Policy Responsiveness. Evidence from three parliamentary democracies‘, Journal of Public Policy 40(2).